Saturday, June 16, 2012

Our first french meal...naturally!

Mmmm...a glass of rosé and some local cabécou...

After missing our connecting flight from Frankfurt (the worst airport experience in my short flying career) to Toulouse, we made it to the Dordogne! A huge thanks to Auntie Judy who waited an extra 4 hours for us to arrive safe and sound.

As we all now, France is known for it's love (and consumption!) of cheese, but apparently they now have a cheese variety for every day of the year! Only France could have 365 varieties of the most delicious food on earth. Tom and I are planning on making a serious effort to try as many as we can...about 12/day - not SO unreasonable!

We've been here for five days now, and I have a new found appreciation for food: everything tastes incredible and every food item that is for sale (be it in a supermarket or a local market) is absolutely perfect. People eat what's in season and smaller amounts, meaning that yes, they'll buy a baguette every day, but that means they eat fresh every day. Contrary to back home, where we expect produce to be available all year round, expecting convenience at the expense of taste.

Well, enough said about that - it's time for my morning croissants :)

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